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This week (10th -16th May) is Mental Health Awareness week with the theme being ‘Nature’ and I can’t help but think how appropriate that is given the last 14 months.

The pandemic has stripped life back to the very basics, just like nature is, and it’s been embraced on a huge scale. We’ve all lived a much simpler life and in doing so many have reaped the benefits.

We can experience a real grounding affect when we’re outdoors, taking in and connecting to our surroundings. No longer are we consumed in our own stresses and strains but are faced with the reality that the world is bigger and has more to it than what we’re thinking and experiencing at that time.  

Lots of us carry a pressure to be perfect in all ways and in all situations, as well as comparing ourselves to others and expecting the impossible. Yet just like nature isn’t perfect and is ever changing, so are we.

We experience far more joy when we’re living in the present and enjoying the moment for what it actually is. Not what we thought it ‘should’ be or think it ‘could’ be.

Our usual fast paced life seems to slow down as thoughts that were challenging can be processed that little bit easier. What really matters to us stands out that little bit more and all of these things add up to us having better wellbeing overall.

There are lots of services out there to support with mental health and I’d encourage anyone who needs that to speak out. Notice those around you too; ask how they are – start that conversation and keep it going.

Think about how you can connect to nature and look after your mental health. Take walks, grow plants, whatever it may be, find what works for you.

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